Kelowna Short-Term Rentals: New Rules, New Landscape

Kelowna Short-Term Rentals: New Rules, New Landscape
May 15, 2024

Kelowna's vibrant tourism scene has long relied on short-term rentals (STRs) to accommodate visitors. However, recent changes at both the provincial and municipal levels have thrown a curveball for the industry. While some rentals remain operational, others have vanished, leaving both property owners and vacationers scrambling.

Changes and Challenges

As of May 1st, 2024, new provincial regulations limit short-term rentals to a host's primary residence or one secondary suite on the same property. These limitations apply to municipalities with populations over 10,000, including Kelowna.

The City of Kelowna has further tightened the belt. They've eliminated secondary use STRs as a permitted use across all zones and stopped accepting new applications. Existing licensed secondary suites are allowed to continue operating, but only if they meet the provincial principal residence requirements.

Impact Beyond Property Owners

The ripple effects extend far beyond property owners. Businesses that thrived on servicing STRs, like cleaning companies and gift basket makers, are experiencing a decline in clientele.

Challenges for Visitors

Travelers planning a Kelowna getaway might face unexpected hurdles. Strong highlights the confusion caused by each community having its own regulations stacked on top of the provincial restrictions. Additionally, some visitors with pre-booked accommodations may find their plans disrupted due to zoning changes.

Uncertainties Remain

While Airbnb has implemented measures like displaying license numbers on listings, the company awaits further clarification from the province regarding enforcement.

Kelowna Chamber of Commerce

The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce, though supportive of increasing affordable housing options, is closely monitoring the impact of these changes on the local business community. They emphasize the need for clear communication to assure potential visitors that Kelowna remains a welcoming destination.

The Future of Short-Term Rentals in Kelowna

While the short-term rental landscape in Kelowna has undergone significant changes, Time will tell how the new regulations ultimately impact Kelowna's tourism industry and the availability of short-term rentals.

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