Kelowna Considers Redeveloping Area Near Landmark District with 1,600-1,700 New Residential Units

Kelowna Considers Redeveloping Area Near Landmark District with 1,600-1,700 New Residential Units
October 11, 2024

The City of Kelowna is considering a major redevelopment plan for a large property located off Highway 97, near the Landmark District. The proposal, submitted by developer, outlines a project that would significantly increase residential density and commercial opportunities in the area.

Project Details

  • Location: 1574-1634 Harvey Ave, Kelowna (near Landmark District)
  • Project Goal: Increase housing and commercial opportunities in the area
  • Proposed Housing Units: 1,600-1,700
  • Commercial Space:  ~5,000 sqm (2,000 sqm of office space and 3,000 sqm of commercial/retail space)
  • Building Heights: 6 to 26 storeys, with potential for additional height bonuses

Source: Report to Council

Key Features

  • Mixed-use development with residential, office, and commercial space.
  • Integration of parks and green space throughout the development
  • Pedestrian-friendly design with connections to existing roadways
  • Sustainable development practices including protecting riparian areas alongside Mill Creek

Alignment with City Plans

The proposal aligns with the City's 2040 Official Community Plan (OCP) goals for:

  • Increased Housing Supply: The project would add 1,600-1,700 new residential units in close proximity to the Landmark employment area, potentially helping to alleviate housing shortages.
  • Sustainable Transportation: The location offers easy access to rapid transit on Harvey Ave and future active transportation routes on Burtch Ave, potentially reducing reliance on cars.
  • Compact Urban Growth: Increased density in this area leverages existing infrastructure and avoids urban sprawl.
  • Economic Development:  Providing housing options close to the Landmark employment hub can improve employee recruitment and retention for Kelowna businesses.

Next Steps

  • Kelowna City Council will review the draft Burtch/Harvey Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) on July 8, 2024.
  • If City Council approves the draft plan, staff will collaborate with the developer to finalize the plan.
  • The final plan will require further City Council approval for an OCP amendment, rezoning of the land, and development permits.


The developer held two public information sessions in April 2024 to gather public feedback on the project. A summary of the public engagement will be included in the final report to Council.

The Burtch/Harvey Area Redevelopment Plan represents a significant development opportunity for Kelowna. With 1,600-1,700 new residential units and a mix of commercial spaces, the project has the potential to increase housing supply, create a more vibrant and walkable community near the Landmark District, and support sustainable growth principles outlined in the City's 2040 OCP.

Source: Report to Council

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Kelowna Considers Redeveloping Area Near Landmark District with 1,600-1,700 New Residential Units

The City of Kelowna is considering a major redevelopment plan for a large property located off Highway 97, near the Landmark District. The proposal, submitted by developer, outlines a project that would significantly increase residential density and commercial opportunities in the area.

Project Details

  • Location: 1574-1634 Harvey Ave, Kelowna (near Landmark District)
  • Project Goal: Increase housing and commercial opportunities in the area
  • Proposed Housing Units: 1,600-1,700
  • Commercial Space:  ~5,000 sqm (2,000 sqm of office space and 3,000 sqm of commercial/retail space)
  • Building Heights: 6 to 26 storeys, with potential for additional height bonuses

Source: Report to Council

Key Features

  • Mixed-use development with residential, office, and commercial space.
  • Integration of parks and green space throughout the development
  • Pedestrian-friendly design with connections to existing roadways
  • Sustainable development practices including protecting riparian areas alongside Mill Creek

Alignment with City Plans

The proposal aligns with the City's 2040 Official Community Plan (OCP) goals for:

  • Increased Housing Supply: The project would add 1,600-1,700 new residential units in close proximity to the Landmark employment area, potentially helping to alleviate housing shortages.
  • Sustainable Transportation: The location offers easy access to rapid transit on Harvey Ave and future active transportation routes on Burtch Ave, potentially reducing reliance on cars.
  • Compact Urban Growth: Increased density in this area leverages existing infrastructure and avoids urban sprawl.
  • Economic Development:  Providing housing options close to the Landmark employment hub can improve employee recruitment and retention for Kelowna businesses.

Next Steps

  • Kelowna City Council will review the draft Burtch/Harvey Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) on July 8, 2024.
  • If City Council approves the draft plan, staff will collaborate with the developer to finalize the plan.
  • The final plan will require further City Council approval for an OCP amendment, rezoning of the land, and development permits.


The developer held two public information sessions in April 2024 to gather public feedback on the project. A summary of the public engagement will be included in the final report to Council.

The Burtch/Harvey Area Redevelopment Plan represents a significant development opportunity for Kelowna. With 1,600-1,700 new residential units and a mix of commercial spaces, the project has the potential to increase housing supply, create a more vibrant and walkable community near the Landmark District, and support sustainable growth principles outlined in the City's 2040 OCP.

Source: Report to Council