Peachland Poised for Housing Changes: What You Need to Know

Peachland Poised for Housing Changes: What You Need to Know
May 2, 2024

The District of Peachland is taking steps to adapt to the BC government's Homes for People Action Plan, which brings adjustments to housing regulations. Here's a closer look at what this means for Peachland residents and the real estate market:

Changes Driven by Bill 44 - Housing Statutes (Residential Development)

  • This bill applies to municipalities exceeding 5,000 residents, including Peachland. By June 30, 2024, zoning bylaws need to be updated.
  • The update allows for the possibility of up to four units on single-family lots with existing water and sewer connections.

Implementation Timeline

  • Currently, the District is evaluating properties impacted by the new multi-unit housing regulations.
  • Anticipated for June 2024, revised zoning bylaws will be presented to council for approval.
  • To reflect these adjustments, Peachland's Official Community Plan (OCP) will be updated by the end of 2025.
  • To gather resident input, public notice and consultation will happen earlier in the process.

Short-Term Rental Landscape and Bill 35

  • Peachland's existing regulations for short-term rentals already comply with provincial standards.
  • Effective May 1, 2024, short-term rental properties need a valid business license number and provincial registry inclusion.
  • The rentals must be situated within the host's principal residence.

Potential Market Impact

The possibility of increased multi-unit development could influence housing options and affordability in Peachland. Here at Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty, we'll keep a close eye on these developments and provide our clients with ongoing updates.

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